Echo Flowchart
Echo uses your device to verify your identify when logging into an application as multi-factor authentication. Echo is designed to be secure and efficient. With a click of a button we are able to use your devices camera or fingerprint sensor to verify your identity, log you in, and mint a token.
Tokens can be used to build a record of safe online practices. Ex: An uber driver with 300+ verified logins is less likely to miss-use an application as opposed to a driver with 1-2 verified login attempts. Your identity caries over with you when you create a new account reducing the amount of spammers on online applications.
The frontend is an html form that takes a users name and photo and redirects them to their application when complete.
The backend processes users image to verify their login attempt matches their identity. If identity matches a cNFT is minted with the application and time information under a users collection.