✅ MVP: HackMIT
- [x] Uber Demonstration
- [x] Verification Demonstration
- [x] Mint cNFT
⚙️ V1: Hyperdrive Hackathon
- [ ] Web 3
- [ ] Smart Contract Implementation
- [ ] Mint both verified and unverified events (differentiate the two)
- [ ] bug: new project is being created for every login attempt (cNFTs for one user should be in one project)
- [x] Biometric Verification
- [x] Implement a enrollment procedure
- [x] Build an MVP of facial feature biometric verification using camera feed
- [ ] Demo
- [ ] Improve Uber Demonstration
- [ ] Create a new example
- [ ] Presentation + Marketing
☑️ V2: Breakpoint
Using this table as a laundry list of ideas for what we can implement in the future